Hi, I’m Marla

And I can help you activate and align with the wisdom of your inner guidance whether it be on the yoga mat or in every nook and cranny of your everyday life.  I’m so grateful you are here.  No matter where you are in your personal journey; I look forward to connecting with you.


Start Your Transformation Journey with My Free Gifts 👇

There’ll never be enough time in your day when you compartmentalize your life out into work, loved ones, hobbies & your big dreams.

It's not just about doing; it’s about becoming. 

Connection with your inner guidance doesn’t start and stop at designated times during the day

 It’s about aligning and then living your life inside that connection.

You don't need more time. 

You need more connection.

I am passionate about sharing in-the-moment techniques for your everyday life, and especially for when life gets real.

This isn't airy-fairy stuff.

It’s a “rubber meets the road” embodied presence in every nook and cranny of your life.

Happy Clients

for positive, inspirational and practical content to help you activate and align with your inner guidance.